Rejection codes Euro payment
With Euro payments you can easily transfer payment funds within the SEPA area. On this page you can verify the action to be taken when your payment is rejected.
Rejection codes Euro payment
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | We will try to process the payment again. If the error persists, please contact the beneficiary. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Check the payment or contact the beneficiary. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Check the payment or contact the beneficiary. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | We will try to process the payment again. If the error persists, please contact the beneficiary. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Check the payment or contact the beneficiary. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Check the payment or contact the beneficiary. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The IBAN you want to transfer to is not correct. | Ask the beneficiary for the correct IBAN. Then initiate the payment once more with the correct IBAN. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The IBAN you want to transfer to is cancelled. | Ask the beneficiary for the correct IBAN. Then initiate the payment once more with the correct IBAN. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The IBAN you want to transfer to is blocked for (these) payments. | Contact the beneficiary about the payment method. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected at the beneficiary’s bank. Because the IBAN belongs to a savings account for example. We will try to process the payment again for you. | We will try to process the payment again. If the error persists, check the payment or contact the beneficiary about the payment method. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment was incorrect and could therefore not be executed. | Check and adjust the payment. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Check the payment or contact the beneficiary. Then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
Your account balance was insufficient when the payment was executed. | Replenish the balance and then initiate the payment once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
This payment or batch has been submitted before. | If necessary check your administration. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Contact the beneficiary about the payment method. If you can’t figure it out, then contact us. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been cancelled at your request. | If desired, initiate the payment once more with the correct details. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The file format is incorrect or contains an error. | Check for errors in your payment or payment file. You could also make use of our test portal for order files. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
We did not execute this payment. We suspect fraud and want to prevent you from becoming a victim. | Check the details of the beneficiary or contact us for details. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of your payment is incorrect or the format is incorrect. | Contact your bank to discuss the details. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The beneficiary name or address is missing. | Initiate your payment with the correct details of the beneficiary. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment could not be executed with the current details. | Check and adjust your payment, then initiate the payment once more. |
Error codes payment order files
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The account is not correct, no part of the agreement or the settings are not correct. | Check the account number(s) in the batch(es). Are you using a bookkeeping link or Rabo Direct Connect, then check the settings. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The payment has been rejected due to a technical error at the beneficiary’s bank. | Contact the beneficiary about the payment method. If you can’t figure it out, then contact us. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
This payment order is within the European Union. Due to regulations the only cost option allowed is Shared (SHA). | Adjust the cost option of the payment order to Shared (SHA). |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The file format is incorrect or contains an error. | Check for errors in your payment file. You could also make use of our test portal for order files. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The file contains an error on the pointed line. | Check your order file on errors in the pointed line. The error can be a missing tag or a character that does not comply with the UTF8 direction. Use the format description at or the test portal for order files. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The tags or values you used in the order file do not meet the standards. The tags or values are related to a Euro Payment (within the EU with currency EUR) while this needs to be a World payment (outside EU or in a foreign currency) or the other way around. | Check whether the currency and country of your payment(s) meet the characteristics of a Euro payment or a World payment. Then adjust the payment values and import your order file once more. |
Why do I see this error message? | What should I do? |
The batch contains an invalid country code or the country code is missing in at least one of the payment orders. | Check the country codes in the batch for as well the debtor as the creditor account(s). |
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