Netherlands | Social entrepreneurship

Trash’ure Taarten: less waste, more work

9 February 2024 8:00
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Trash'ure Taarten was founded in 2000 and bakes vegan cakes and pastries. This social enterprise is committed to a sustainable world and stands for equal opportunities. A social enterprise is often founded to make a social difference. We take you along in their approach of doing business.

Twee werknemers van Trash'ure versieren taarten.


kg of food waste prevented


status holders found a place in the bakery


people found a paid job


people completed a course at Trash’ure Taarten

The challenge

Nijmegen-based Trash’ure Taarten tackles two challenges. Thirty-three percent of all food produced globally goes to waste, which is a great shame. Meanwhile, unemployment figures among status holders remain high. Many of these people do voluntary work, often below their abilities, for only a few hours and on a temporary basis. This makes it difficult for them to integrate and keeps them dependent on benefits, local authorities and other government agencies.

The solution

Trash’ure Taarten, or Trash’ure Cakes in English, bakes vegan cakes and pastries using fruit and other ingredients that would otherwise be wasted. That way, the pâtissier avoids food and water wastage. Using an electric van, Trash’ure Taarten collects leftover products from companies. Status holders then process those in the bakery. Depending on the stage of their integration process, Trash’ure Taarten offers status holders a language internship, work-experience placement or a paid job. They also receive support for education. Another plus: Trash’ure Taarten bakes vegan and with as few sugar and fat as possible. This way the company contributes to a more honest and healthier world without waste.

The result

In 2022, Trash’ure Taarten prevented 4,460 kg of food waste – mostly apples, pears, bananas, oranges, raspberries, strawberries and carrots. The grains and nuts the company uses are sourced from local farmers and grown ecologically. In addition, Trash’ure Taarten has created work. The pâtissier has a continuously changing team of staff with migration backgrounds. In 2022, 26 people completed a program with the company. Which program, differed from one person to another. Seven people found paid employment with other organizations through Trash’ure Taarten, and four completed a course. Trash’ure Taarten employed four people themselves.

Some words from the social entrepreneur herself

Co-founder Jeanne van Ittersum of Trash'ure Taarten: ‘One of our employees had got stuck in her integration process. She had many talents, but couldn't find a job anywhere. She hated being on benefits and desperately wanted to work. Then she saw one of our Facebook posts and sent us a message. She had a paid contract within three months, taking her family out of welfare. It’s such a shame that someone with such talent had to wait four years. She said to me: “Before I knew you, I had no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Now, I wake up feeling happy even before my alarm goes off. I am so grateful to have met you and know that I was very lucky.”’

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Trash'ure Taarten makes vegan cakes and pastries. Curious about the products and their story?