Smallholder pineapple farmer in Vietnam

Who we are

As a provider of impact funding, we operate worldwide to achieve continuous positive change: economic, social and ecological change. Every day we’re getting closer to our ideal: a fair and sustainable society in which everyone can genuinely participate.


This is what we stand for

Everyone deserves opportunities. Opportunities to grow, to develop and to work towards a better future. That’s why we invest in organizations that offer disadvantaged people the prospect of a better future. If you can’t manage it alone, you can achieve it together.

This is our approach

We offer organizations that work with smallholder farmers all over the world access to money, knowledge and our network. In the Netherlands we strengthen social enterprises so that everyone can participate in society.

Here’s where we make a difference

Outside the Netherlands we operate in countries that have lots of disadvantaged smallholder farmers. That’s where we can make the greatest positive change happen. You will find us in no less than 22 countries, spread over four continents.

Rabo Foundation world map

We’ve been doing this since 1974

Experience matters. For more than 45 years we’ve been working to offer growth opportunities to millions of people. We’re constantly adding more knowledge, partners and money to these efforts. This is how we honor our long-standing cooperative roots.

Our organization

Rabo Foundation is an independent foundation. We have a Supervisory Board which includes representatives of local banks and parts of Rabobank Group.

Farmers loading coffee in truck

Rabo Rural Fund

For farming businesses and cooperatives that are too big to receive donations and funding from Rabo Foundation, but too small to take out regular bank loans, the answer is: Rabo Rural Fund. This fund helps these businesses, cooperatives and their affiliated farmers to keep growing and developing.