Get your custom webshop up-and-running quickly with OmniKassa online payment API
Entrepreneurs can use the Rabo OmniKassa dashboard to choose the desired payment solution for all of their sales points. From debit card payment in the shop to paying via iDEAL in the webshop. The Rabo Developer Portal features two APIs for Rabo OmniKassa. The online payment API offers extra options for your clients.
More options
The online payment API has been offered for a few years now alongside plugins and SDKs that make it possible to link webshops to OmniKassa. The benefit of the API is that it offers more options than the plugins and SDKs. What really makes the API unique is that it allows users to link a webshop to Rabo OnlineKassa. OnlineKassa is part of Rabo OmniKassa and enables a seller to choose the payment methods customers can use to pay for purchases. Those payments are then shown in the OmniKassa dashboard thanks to the link between OnlineKassa and OmniKassa.
Payment methods and order lines
Another important add-on option offered by the API is the possibility of selecting a preferred payment method in OmniKassa. That means customers paying for a purchase in the webshop are automatically directed to a specific payment method, such as a credit card. This feature is highly appreciated by shop owners. The same applies to the order lines, which are also facilitated by the API. This feature not only shows the amount of a sale in the dashboard, but also the item/service sold. The plugins and SDK do not always offer that level of flexibility.
User-friendly and testable
The developers who have worked with this API over the past few years say that it is extremely user-friendly. In fact, it is not uncommon for a webshop developer to go live with OmniKassa integration in less than two days. And of course, the API can be tested in the Sandbox.