Everyone deserves a fair and equal chance to pursue their ambitions. Whether you’re a smallholder farmer in Africa or somebody with a distance to the labour market in the Netherlands. Whether you're an elderly person wanting to finance more appropriate housing or a young couple looking to realize your dream to buy a home or start a business. We need each other to make the future fairer, more social and greener. Rabobank invests in business and people that contribute to these goals.
To us it’s about
Human rights
Human rights are universal – to be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live. There are human rights dimensions to everything businesses do: from how they treat their employees to how they address land conflicts and labor abuses deep within their supply chains. Both Rabobank and its corporate clients have a responsibility to respect human rights.
Rabobank sets out its position on Human Rights and Labor Rights in its Sustainability Policy Framework. In short:
Rabobank respects all human rights of its employees and incorporates human rights in its commercial relationships. In addition, all clients are expected to respect human rights, as described in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), in their business decisions, and are expected to use their influence on their suppliers to do the same. For unavoidable adverse impacts, clients are expected to provide for and cooperate in remediation through legitimate processes.
Internationally, Rabobank is a leading financier of Food & Agriculture, a sector that comes with risks including land conflicts, labor abuse and dangerous work conditions. These risks are further addressed in sector- and theme-specific sustainability policies.

Rabo Foundation
Rabo Foundation supports social entrepreneurs who build a more sustainable and inclusive job market in the Netherlands. Globally, the foundation supports cooperatives, farmers’ organizations and organizations for micro-financing that support smallholder farmers that produce food more sustainably.
Accelerating transitions
Every person needs food and energy for their existence. At the same time, both the food as well as the energy ‘system’ as a whole already have a strong impact on climate and nature and the rapidly growing world population will ask for more. A significant change is required to make it future-proof, with strongly reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased nature protection and restoration, while respecting human rights.
Therefore, we contribute to the transition toward a future-proof food system and energy system. In that way, sustainably produced food and energy should become the norm and be available, accessible and affordable.
Growing a better world together. In every step we take.

Rabo Partnerships
Rabo partnerships is committed to long-term partnerships and working together with local communities to build more inclusive, financially sustainable organizations.
Would you like to know more about our social impact?
Read our Impact Report and other policies on our special Publications page.