Delft startup invents revolutionary coating for greenhouse horticulture
The perfect coating for any type of crop and glass: that’s the dream of entrepreneurs at PHYSEE. The Delft-based startup develops sustainable coating technologies for the real estate world. Now they have come up with a revolutionary coating for greenhouses.

PAR+ coating provides 7.5% more grow light in a greenhouse. The luminous coating converts harmful UV radiation into photosynthetically active radiation. This can result in a 7.5% increase in production. Since no artificial light is used, unnecessary energy consumption is avoided.
Bike ride
PHYSEE started as a spin-off from Delft University of Technology, and they later went through the validation lab and acceleration program at YES!Delft. The application of the coating for greenhouses came about by chance, when employee Sadiq van Overbeek was cycling through the horticultural area in the province of South Holland.
As a partner of YES!Delft, Rabobank came into contact with PHYSEE. Rabobank's innovation fund is enabling the Delft-based startup Physee to continue developing a revolutionary coating for greenhouses. A practical trial will start this spring at Koppert Cress in Monster.
Global food security
Fabian Groeneveld, startup & scale-up banker at Rabobank: "PHYSEE is developing coating technologies to facilitate real estate’s energy-neutral future. Rabobank is proud to be able to support them in the transition to greenhouse horticulture. Together, we are working to develop their PAR+ coating, in order to promote crop growth and contribute to the world food shortage. This initiative aligns perfectly with Rabobank's core values and our Banking for Food program, through which we help make global food security more sustainable. Other startups can take PHYSEE's innovative strength as an example. They see the value of their innovation in other sectors and are taking a bold new step in realizing their vision."